Your Trusted Partner for Safety & Excellence

At Ammonia Refrigeration Training & Industry Compliance (ARTIC) Services, we’re proud to be one of the only full-service industrial refrigeration training companies that offers compliance services. We’ve become a trusted partner for many companies within the ammonia refrigeration industry by offering turnkey services to meet a full scope of needs. We can train your techs, optimize your ammonia refrigeration systems, ensure industry compliance, and prioritize the safety of your operations. We’re the one company that can handle it all. 

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Upcoming Training

Operator 1

November 27-30


Operator 1 

December 18-21


670 White Road, Suite A
Springdale, AR
Contact us to Register

Benefits of Partnering with Us

Enhanced Safety

Our training and compliance services prioritize safety, mitigating risks associated with ammonia refrigeration systems and fostering a secure working environment.

Industry Expertise

Our team of experts has extensive experience, ensuring our services are tailored to the specific needs and challenges of your industry and operations.

Peace of Mind

By partnering with ARTIC Services, you can focus on your core business operations, knowing your refrigeration systems are compliant and operating optimally.

long-term support

We provide ongoing support, including access to training, resources, and updated industry best practices and regulatory changes.

Interested in Working for Us? 

We're always looking for talented people to join our team. If you’re a trainer in the refrigeration space, operator, service tech, PSM coordinator, HVAC tech, or you just have a passion for removing heat, we'd love to hear from you!
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Take the Next Step!

Want to schedule a training or learn more about our compliance services?
Contact us